Traffic Order Surveys
VertexGIS have wide experience in carrying out TRO surveys, for both static and moving orders. Our surveys can be conducted using highly accurate satellite positioning equipment on foot or if the Local Authority prefer, we can offer a Lidar survey.

Authorities are increasingly looking to digitise their Traffic Regulation Orders and make them widely available to staff, enforcement officers and the public. In order to do so, the orders need to be surveyed, checked and reviewed to ensure their enforceability.
It is imperative that they are correct.
Our surveys are designed to meet your specific requirements.
We can:
- Survey all restriction markings on site
- Survey the TSRGD sign plates
- Take geospatially located digital photos of signs
- Highlight discrepancies between the data on street and the data in the order.
We offer a bespoke service, full surveys and full review of all signs and lines, or any part of, that you require, including checking their validity against TSRGD.